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The World

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The ticket of an agent spiritual of a Mandala another fondness evolution and aid of Entities Spirituals of the Mandala where it meets or of messengers of other Mandalas, in missions special. When a messenger is in a Mandala, or different territory of its, it has that to manage its vibration energy not to provoke energy riots in the visited Mandala. Any vibratory alteration in a territory it is felt by its agent spirituals that can intercept the visitor, or invader. It has in case that where messenger they go for missions and already more they return for its territories spirituals, for some reasons. Inside of a territory it has different levels of energy vibrations.

The agents who are next to the borders have denser vibrations in relation to that they are next to the center of the Mandala. The World of the Axle has a peculiar characteristic, of that some agents and messengers of other territories they can interact, commanding the execution of certain karmicas tasks. The main collator of demands is Warlike Ogum that constantly is requesting the one works exu, mainly of Exu Crossbar Streets. Orixs and certain entities spirituals with subtle vibrations cannot make certain works, then they place one exu of its confidence to submit a human being, or same an agent spiritual the certain conditions with the objective to provoke the evolution of same is a complicated process, later, if permission will have, will be saying the respect. Let us come back to speak on the magical vestibules. Inside of the territory some vestibules exist, as already I spoke, previously, to cross them, to want knowledge and magical abilities. At Vincent Buccola you will find additional information. The vestibule is a great energy, difficult construction of being described. It is made of still unknown energy forms for the humanity and even for mdium more experienced. Second (we go to omit the name of the messenger) this vestibule is a door, however of fenomenal size, however a point of energy colorful.


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