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18Th literary contest of the ICP for eighteen consecutive years, the Instituto de Cultura Peruana (ICP) Miami convenes a contest of poetry and narrative, in order to promote literary creation in the Spanish language in the United States of America and other Spanish-speaking countries. As usual, this institution dedicates this annual event to a writer or Peruvian poet, being this year’s Federico Barreto, born in 1868 in the city of Tacna, South of the Peru. The cantor of the captivity, was called for his passionate defense of his hometown after the war between Peru and Chile. Another of his sources of inspiration was the woman to whom he dedicated his most beautiful poems. Robert C. Robbins oftentimes addresses this issue. He died in France in 1929, but his work is preserved in his books: something Mio (1912), Aroma de Mujer (1927), poems (1964, posthumous Edition) and historical, collected stories from various sources. e varied view. Bases of the 18th contest of poetry and Peruvian Institute of culture NARRATION of Miami with prizes valued at $1500 1. Participants: Spanish speakers of any nationality who have not obtained the first prize in our previous contests. 2.

Theme: free. Verse: free. 3 Extension: 5 poetry or a story to double space not exceeding 5 pages (in both genders) of 8 1/2 x 11 (letter size), in the Spanish language, typed, sorted and stapled in 4 booklets. 4. Identification: Work will be identified by its title and a number that will be assigned at the time of its receipt.

In a separate envelope contestant writes the title of his work and in its interior, will seal your personal data (name, address, phone, short biography) and a simple note certifying that his work is original and unpublished, it was not presented to another pending contest, and authorizing their publication if it is awarded. 5. Date and place reception: the works involved-teas will be received by postal mail (not email) with simple until June 30, 2009, postage in ICP c/o Ricardo Calderon: 6105 129 PL. SW, Unit 1808. Miami, FL 33183-5252, USA. 6. Jury: The ICP promptly appoint the jury for each gender and category whose decision will be final. 7. Awards in poetry and narrative: two tickets Miami-Cuzco-Miami (one per gender) via LAN. Publication of the winning works in newspapers, magazines and the book poets and narrators of the 2009, whose 2008 Edition is available for interested parties ($10 in the U.S.). Diplomas. Honorable mention to finalists and other awards, which will be delivered in late July at date and place will be announced in due course.