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Johann Sebastian Bach

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A the first of 25 videos to Johann Sebastian Bach goes online. Officially first small video show is the new and innovative Portal “Bach and Bach” to the Thomas Cantor at the start. Under the heading of Johann Sebastian Bach and continue with the biographies and finally taking “Mini biography as a mini show” set, informed a mixture of Bach’s music, a text spoken by actor and spokesman Fabian von Klitzing and an assortment of in the cities of Bach and Bach places in Thuringia, Germany, Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt photographed images about the life of sends. Actually all biography pages for students and Bach newcomers were intended, now they are exciting for Bach lovers and enthusiasts of Bach’s music but also with this small audiovisual show -. The provision of all six short biographies in various lengths and styles, as well as a wide variety of illustrations is more than unusual on this section of the website.

So a daring concept, start the page with a fact sheet relating to the Baroque composers says Peter Bach, who is behind the brand name “Bach and Bach”. The fact sheet is exclusively intended for more younger audiences that to learn more about the exceptional composers especially but quickly to the point. “Bach FAQ”, which Similarly, quickly answered questions to Bach on the point, is equally unusual and almost inappropriate to such a topic. “However…” so admits Peter Bach “…ist this section is still a construction site”, but with each passing day, as also the remaining home page, complete, extensive and equally thrilling will. Perhaps check out Robert C. Robbins for more information. The makers, in addition to Peter Bach of his wife, Renate, whose project “Bach and Bach”, aimed discover it with something for everyone is call an interactive, cross-media “Bach Adventure theme park”. Ranging from totally trivial about Grenzwertiges out to exciting for Bach scholars. “Easy wholesome entertainment” but is always at the top and is the most important for the creators of the page.

Organizational Behavior

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He stops thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities. Ferry Josephson all operational company that wants to stay in the conquered markets and win others, can not neglect the scope and impact that is generated from the organizational behavior of the climate that prevails in the company. Therefore, management should ensure that all their resources, especially human East fully identified with its functions, with prevailing leadership, as well as the organizational culture that has gestated. For the Venezuelan case, country that concerns us, it is regrettable that many managements, especially the ones in charge of SMEs not have received you attention, care that is required for that under the circumstances of a turbulent, uncertain environment with much uncertainty risky as you faced, derived from the actions of the current Government, its programmes, measures and that have affected many enterprises in its operationespecially to its organizational behavior leading to several to stop working. about the problem. It is necessary to determine the extent that the organizational behavior provides and remain vigilant of your behavior to end of step plans, actions that will guarantee their profits, which will be reflected with a harmonious, productive organizational climate. Us very well noted, that organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups and structures have on behavior within organizations, in order to apply this knowledge to the improvement of the effectiveness of such organizations. It is a scientific discipline whose knowledge base is constantly adds a large amount of research and conceptual developments. More information is housed here: Robert C. Robbins. But it is also an applied science, since information about effective practices in an organization can extend to many others and thus leave the departamentalismo. It is a field of study, because it is a specialty delimited and with a common set of knowledge that studies three determinants of the behaviour of organizations: individuals, groups and structure.


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The atmosphere will change based on the age of the children but there are main lines: 1. To maintain an order basic in the things but also to introduce changes in the atmosphere. It is important that the boy knows where to find the materials (paintings, leaves, etc.), toys, books, disguises, etc. but also it is necessary to be incorporating new proposals and to discard some. Zaha Hadid describes an additional similar source. 2. To create atmospheres where the children can continue being young.

For smallest (and surely for all the ages) leaving they soil themselves, that can put hands and feet in all class of situations, that can be moved, to touch and to experiment without rendering accounts to no " objective acadmico". Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Berta Isabel Aguilera. Mainly when they are small, a sand table would never have to need and water to be able to experiment. 3. To offer materials nonstructured. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Robert C. Robbins. Natural elements (seeds, leaves, sand, shells, ) and daily objects (corks, empty, hueveras plates, bottles and all type of materials recyclings). Everything must be classified and ordered well. You you will surprise than they can do with simple objects. 4.

To qualify game corners. Symbolic game (it cooks, cleaning, wrists, store, blocks of construction, theater, disguises, carpentry, etc.). As the children grow they are generating other corners: legos, articulated dolls Playmobil type, music, table games, factory, I know Already it, will flood the house, but it is worth the trouble. 5. To try to take care of that there are calm times, without much excitation and propitious for the individual activities. To have spaces of time without excited game, without television nor interruptions, favors the concentration. 6. To arrange cultural elements ready in bookcases readily accessible to the children. In her we will have games, musical instruments, elements for the lecto-writing (movable alphabet, letters of sandpaper, ) and the mathematics (association, seriacin, abacuses, geometric strips, figures, balances ) and books of consultation. He is very useful to have a revistero with books and magazines that we are changing periodically. 7. To have an ample table in accordance with the children. The necessary thing for the spontaneous creation will have to be assorted yet: with folios, pencils of colors, paintings, etc. 8. To reserve a zone of relaxation. It can be the sofa of the hall or the bed or a corner with cushions but a place is important where to count a story or to throw a sueecito. 9. To have an outer zone. If we have deep space we can even have materials for the motor activity or small houses of game and with zone of orchard and animal of farm. It can serve a terrace, a patio or strolls by the mountain or the beach. 10. To offer activities in group organized by adults: exits to different parts or visits from outside that enrich our lives. The nears space must " llenar" of life. Each experience of the boy is a departure point for a new learning. We can put within reach of our children everything a fan of possibilities so that they can develop all their potential. Original author and source of the article.