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Saplings Roses

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Group Shrub roses in the classification was isolated as recently as 1965. (Not that the name chosen is perfect. "Shrub" is translated to English means "bush." So, for example, the term "Shrubs Shrub" sounds like "scrub bushes.") Shrub also known as the modern park with roses and refer to them all the varieties that are not included in other horticultural groups. Main characteristics of Shrub: The Forms of flowers, usually netraditsionnonnye from nemahrovyh to form Hybrid Tea roses and floribunda groups, as well as nostalgic, with flowers like the old roses. Color of flowers most raznoobraznaya.Tsvetenie – abundant, long-term (from June to fall), povtoryayuscheesya.Aromat.

Among Shrub roses fragrant than among Hybrid Tea. Many varieties of this group is very dushisty.Obem. Many varieties are distinguished by their power and strength of growth (some varieties reach 2 m). Some shrubs varieties are so graceful that their flexible branches require a little support, which soon rose flowers. Fairly rapid growth of shrubs – Shrub can grow during the growing season na1, 5 m and bolee.Ustoychivost to disease and high winter hardiness.

Shrub require only a light protection for the winter. Click Katz Group to learn more. In addition, these roses are unpretentious – Shrub will grow any gardener. High hardiness is especially important for Shrub roses grown in our region. Many of the They hibernate under a light cover, and the Canadian roses can make temperatures down to minus 35-40 degrees. The main sub-Shrub As can be seen from the above, Shrub extremely heterogeneous group. Roses, which originally should be attributed to the Shrub, catalogs rozovodcheskih companies can be found in various conventional (but already well-established in the literature) groups, such as: English roses, ground cover roses, roses Canada, as well as Shrub.