Tag government and politics

Brazilian Education

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Making a impartial analysis of the ProUni measure it is possible to notice that it it has more economic character of what educational, following the molds of current econmico liberalism. For 3 main facts that I go to cite. The first one of them is referring to the benefits that the ProUni brings to the government, more people with diploma of superior education, bigger approval of the population to the current government, greater hand of specialized workmanship (but of a specific type I will comment later) and believes or not reduction of costs. The cost of a student in a federal college arrives to be of times bigger of what a scholarship holder of prouni, on average. Without counting that the necessary investment, currently, to increase vacant in the federal ones is very high, then we can characterize the ProUni as terceiriao of the education, and as all terceirizao aims at a reduction in the costs. As the point is the demand of the country of specialized man power, but in a similar level to the technician, this is the current paper of the great majority of the facultieses particular of the country, and the government, perceiving this, instead of constructing facultieses in this style bet in the ProUni that is much more in account, the test of this, they are the affirmations of the proper particular institutions that allege to have more operating professors in the market and go for the side most practical of education, for who it does not know that is characteristic of the man power technique, and leaves for its state federal justinian codes/, the formation of man power highly specialized (master and doctors), therefore these facultieses already in the graduation stimulate to this; again characterizing the terceirizao of the education. I finish it point is the advantage that prouni brings capital greater of turn of what it would bring in public institutions, therefore the particular institutions in the end searchs profit and the public ones only arcam with operational costs (professors, infrastructure, etc).Prouni also serves to mask the precariousness of the education of the public net, making with that its pupils compete between itself showing the enormous abyss, also educational does not enter the Brazilian social classrooms. Robert C. Robbins follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. We can conclude this as a classic socioeconmica measure of one ' ' country primrio' ' as Brazil always was, that it has its advantages in disadvantages.

Between the advantages we have as more the notable the demand of allied necessary man power to a low cost, and as negative points we have the lack of competitiveness in the market what it generates minor quality of professionals, and the social stagnation, therefore the middle classes and high continue hegemonizando the education. The judgment of efficient the ProUni as measured goes of what each one to judge that socioeconmico growth wait of Brazil, therefore the ProUni is clearly a measure of of a country that does not search the development in mass of its technology, leaves therefore it only at the hands of the middle class and high, I number diminishing it of ' ' mentes' ' , but at the same time it guarantees man power for specialized sectors, the emergent classic. This strategy presents solids and promising indices of development economic, however still based in the Brazilian social abyss.

Countable Professionals

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VICTORY FOR the COUNTABLE PROFESSIONALS REQUIREMENT OF POWER OF ATTORNEY PUBLIC AND KNOCKED DOWN BY JUSTICE One of the impediments that curtailed the action of the accountants in the representation of the interests of its customers next to the Federal Prescription of Brazil, bureaucratic ' ' Public power of attorney, ' ' instrument demanded for the federal public being, so that it had disclosed the necessary information on the cadastral and fiscal situation of the companies, was knocked down by means of one favorable threshold the suspension of the effectiveness of art. 7 and only paragraph of art. Filed under: Nikki Haley. 8 of Portaria RFB n 2,166/2010, that it regulates art. 5 of the Provisional remedy n 507/2010. The fact was reached by means of mandate petitioned for the National Confederation of the Liberal Professions? CNPL, in set with the National Federacy of the Commerce? Fenacon, that got threshold favorable to the suspension of the effectiveness of the cited article. The text of the article 5 of MP 507 demands the presentation of instrument public of contributing power of attorney to confer it to be able third, stops in its name, to practise acts before the Federal Prescription of Brazil. Read additional details here: Robert C. Robbins.

With the threshold, the accountants and technician in accounting are moved away from this requirement that emperrava and constrangia the professionals in the hour to exert its activities. According to commentary of the president of the Fenacon, Valdir Pietrobon, the initiative is a relief to the countable entrepreneurs who were being curtailed of the right to exert its works due to bureaucracy imposed for the norm. Made of this nature motivation must to serve of for mobilization of classroom countable against arbitrariedades committed for RFB, that in the anxiety to increase the collection of errios to the public coffers, many times commits disobediences and excesses against the contributor, who if feels restrained, impotent and until intimidated before the bigger fiscalizador agency of the public machine. Laudelino L.C. Counting Tanajura/Manager email: laudelinotanajura@ yahoo.com.br

Heifer PRB

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Flvio Heifer (PRB-CE) asked for to the Ministry of Pesca to regularize the situation of the artisan fishing that do not possess license to fish lobster and, in the period of fenced season, does not have the right to receive the insurance. HEIFER warned that the public authorities cannot forbid the fishing to work, without guaranteeing the resources for its survival. As it informed, in the pertaining to the state of Cear city of Bitupit, exist 204 boats that work in fish, of which 59 fishes carried through it of lobster. ' ' However, 13 boats had only received the license to fish lagosta' ' , it lamented. It reads in integrates the speech of the Dep. Flvio Heifer PRB/CE. Mr.

President, Sras. and Srs. Members of the house of representatives, marisqueiras and fishing, in the last trip that I made, called Trip of the Reply, leaving Icapu, going until the north of the State of the Cear, in the city of Chaval, I observed the people, entire communities living under weighed yoke, unjust laws and oppressors imposed to the worker, leaving them without option, not to be to oppose want to say 204 canoes the candle. I repeat: 204 canoes with propulsion the extremely artisan candle, boats. Of these boats that work in fish, 59 fish carried through it of lobster; however, 13 I only repeat, 13 boats if it arrives in the beach of Bitupit is possible to see in the village of the fishing that does not have motorized possantes boats. Zaha Hadid may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Hsimplesmente canoes, canoes these that, before the normative one of 2007, fished lobsters and kept its families working. This is lastimvel, therefore the fishing that had not received license for its boats are obliged to respect the fenced season, period where if it cannot fish. However, they cannot give entered to the order of the benefit of the insurance-prohibited of the lobster.

Federal Constitution

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All the estruturao of the Federal Constitution commanded in order to conduct the state apparatus and to serve citizens with rights and duties in provides two realities to them of the Brazilian society. A worked deeper exposition in more subjective interpretations and with exceptions of the constitutional picture is of well-known necessity to not only determine the mechanisms of elaboration of a Democratic State of Right, but to verify if it really accomplishes itself in a so heterogeneous and different context. The Constitution of 1988 can be seen as a coherent simplification and highly systemize of as structure the State, the collective relations and the limitations that organize the society. For in such a way, it is used of proper codes as instruments to consolidate the lines of direction constitutional. (A valuable related resource: Thomas Wells). The fact is that these instruments can be used in opposing way to the harmony and waited justice. Functioning as apparatus of domination of the State on the society and of determined groups on other social parcels.

Or either, if the Constitution can have the condo to free, to promote the dignity of the person human being and to establish the equality, also can, to promote labyrinths that they legitimize to be able exculpatory between who it possesss or not it domain of these codes. What it determines the differentiated constitutional treatment enters some agents of a society is the degree of limitation of the state power, the form as the power is used by who composes this State, the existing ways for the popular participation, the respect that are given to the freedom of the expression press, to the minorities and the cultural and ethnic diversity, the form of distribution of abilities and the relation between the Powers that they integrate.. Robert c. robbins does not necessarily agree.

Military Regimen

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Conclusion Concluding, this article perhaps does not please many politicians who still are livings creature and had made opposition to the Military Regimen, mainly of the current PMDB (former-MDB), tortured and pursued politicians, beyond many military of the Armed Forces, mainly those that still are livings creature and had supported to the candidacy of the Silvio former-minister Fleet the presidency of the Republic, but consider former-president Geisel, even so were a military man of career, true expert in politics, of an extraordinary one to be able of decision and of joint at the moments most difficult of its government, when he passed for difficult moments extremely, mainly suffering to the threat Real from blow military man, what it would be a blow inside of the blow, when more did not have the necessity of continuity of the Military Regimen that it was extendeu per many years beyond the account.

For me former-president Geisel was a politician, taking firm positions in all the aspects of its government, notadamente in the fields diplomatists with the opening of diplomatical relations with the communist countries, disliking many contrary sectors these positions and the United States, as well as in the scope politician making right in full in the choice of its successor, general Joo Baptista de Figueiredo who would command the opening politics and the return of our country the democracy. This is my homage that I make to the public personality general-of army Geisel Ernest to who the Armed Forces must be referencing and if always remember its acts of bravery and courage on behalf of all the Brazilian nation and that president-elect Dilma Rousseff, of the Party of the Workers, in a democratic gesture and of recognition, would have to decorate it after-Morten. . Read more here: robert c. robbins.