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Religion In The Modern World

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What was the first religion of mankind? The answers to this question will vary depending on the position occupied by the authors on the question of human origins. Those who share the views expressed in the early chapters Bible, believe that religion was not created by mankind and was the consequence of the evolutionary process. Since its creation, man and woman knew only God the creator who created them, and since fall, they prayed to this God, and brought the victim. According to this view animal sacrifice, and monotheism, as depicted in the Bible, are the main characteristics of religion in its original form. God there is a God and sinful people can not access it due to personal merit.

As proof of this view is often stated that the earliest literary monuments of China, India, Greece and Egypt, as well as customs many nations and races show that from ancient times to the sacrificial worship, people used animals instead of themselves. Later, at some point in the history of Confucius in China, Buddha in India, as well as the Greek philosophers opposed to the priests sacrificed animals. Thus, were placed in other positions of the main basis for non-Christian religions of the world. And treat those testimonies about the original religion humanity, which are stored in the oldest historical documents that made up the Bible, we need a serious way. However, there is another point of view, which rejects all of the above: people descended from ape-like ancestor. Since the animals have no religion, it took a long time of transition from stage inarticulate babble monkey and the fear of the unknown darkness of the stage, which refers to Beech 'Animaticheskoy', with its inherent belief in for her powerful, vague, awful and inexplicable force.

" Animaticheskaya stage then goes into 'animicheskuyu', which is a religion of remote tribes, formed on fear the spirits. Following comes the turn of polytheistic stage, immortalized in Greek mythology. According to this brief account of the history of religion, Israel has acquired a reputation that he was able to unite all diversity of the gods of the surrounding nations to the same tribal god. Whenever Robert C. Robbins listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Thus, one God, creator of the Hebrew prophets, in conjunction with the philosophical monotheism Plato has cleared the way for still more perfect religion.


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At the beginning of this year the cigarette propaganda was definitivamenteproibida in the Brasil.A propaganda and its proibiesTodo glamour stirred up by the habit to smoke, through propagandas apelativascujas personages had been always endowed with a beauty and equal, acaboupor vigor without generating a tobacco industry, had as recognized, legally capable deocasionar one without number of curses to the health of the human being. The propaganda of cigarrosempre is insinuante, on to the personal success and the factors as statuseconmico. The prohibitions and same the campaigns against the tobacco are not recent in the histriado modern man. At the beginning of century XVII, in England, the king Jaime Iclassificou the habit to smoke as repulsive. In Germany de Adolf Hitler, during the called period ‘ ‘ Third Reich’ ‘ , the prohibition of the fumoatingia the feminine population of that country. The cigarette manufacturers had always been cliente regarding the cancer depulmo provoked for the habit to smoke. However, this fact is hidden durantemais of forty years, through the creation of a controversy climate: ocigarro was harmful to the health yes, but it conferred status and glamour to the seususurios.

The possibility of the nicotine was also refused to cause dependence, fact this that today already is proven in way scientific. The effect daabstinncia of the cigarette can in such a way be devastadores how much the illicit effect of outrasdrogas. See Shane Smith for more details and insights. The companies cigarette manufacturers had to demonstrate, therefore, umdeterminado interest in the health of its consumers. Although the ambigidadedesta question, determined measured had passed to be taken, in intention to dedeixar all clearly the curses caused for the habit to smoke, not fitting more, therefore, the personificao of the cigarette as luxury article. Some of the countries most democratic of the planet, as United States and Canada, already had forbidden or to fizeramsrias restrictions to the propaganda it cigarette.