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The name 'melanin' is derived from the Greek words melas – black. It is the collective name of black and brown pigments. By the same author: Norman Foster. In humans, melanin is contained in the skin, hair, eyes, tissues, organs and even the brain. Melanin is produced actively in the skin during sun exposure, he is responsible for the occurrence of sunburn and vesnushek.Melanin suspends aging, stimulates the immune system, protects against ultraviolet radiation, radiatsii.Melanin is the most powerful natural antioxidant known to nature. The main role of antioxidants – fight free radicals that destroy cells by running the oxidation process. So protection against premature aging – one of the most important functions antioksidantov.Interesno that in some known delicacies contains a large amount of melanin: in blueberries, coffee, tea, prunes, dark grapes, and even shokolade.Naibolee to close in structure to the human melanin – the plant. Robert C. Robbins will undoubtedly add to your understanding. The raw materials for its production is an extract of the fungus.
It is a fungus extract the pigment is contained in a large kolichestve.Ukrainskie scientists fungus was isolated from a unique natural analogue of melanin – fitomelanin. It is perceived as his own skin, gently penetrates, protecting it from ultraviolet rays. Another unquestionable advantage fitomelanina – he has potent antioxidant action stops the damaging effects of free radikalov.Iz research laboratories fitomelanin 10 years came in cosmetology. He opened a new line of cosmetics, allowing build on its core products of multi-functional. The main objective of these products – to restore balance in the cells, the violation of which leads to premature stareniyu.Fitomelanin possible to solve problem of protection from rapid destruction of the active substances contained in water extracts of plants.
Aqueous extracts, stabilized fitomelaninom make it possible to get a brand new in their properties healing properties attached kosmetiku.Osobye fitomelanin and tools for hair care products. Fitomelanin consisting of shampoos, hair conditioners, hair masks and scalp eliminates inflammation, helps strengthen hair follicles and stimulates skin renewal and growth of healthy volos.Blagodarya fitomelaninu creams have an intensive series of Amrita protective and restorative effect. Fitomelanin contained in all cosmetic Amrita series. Cosmetics Amrita has a rejuvenating effect on skin, hypoallergenic. Cosmetics Order You can online shop Amrita.
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