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The Child

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But it is also in the group that difficulties, conflicts and dissabores appear and/or gain density. Frank Lloyd Wright is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The group, therefore, is basic in the formation of the individual, but also source of conflicts. On this last one it fulfills to stand out that a trend is part of the common sense if to attribute to the conflict a negative character having, therefore, to be prevented. Devries (1998, P. 80), in its work on formation moral partner of the child in the school, according to perspective construtivista, reiterates this affirmation: ' ' In many schools, the conflict is seen as undesirable and as something that must be prevented to any custo' '. The author affirms supported in the studies of Piaget, the importance of the development of the capacity to decide conflicts for the practical life and stops: … to more motivate the reorganization of the knowledge of the knowledge in adjusted forms. E: ' ' acquisition of new forms of knowledge. People such as robert c. robbins would likely agree.

The conflicts can, therefore, to be seen as a source of progress in desenvolvimento' '. (DEVRIES, 1998, P. 91). The conflict, in general, is taken as a signal of that something does not go well, instead of a signal by that has possibility to improve. In function of the difficulty of accepted it as natural in the convivncia human being, little becomes to develop abilities to be dealt with it, such as: understanding (of its origin), analysis (of the involved interests and emotions), choice (of optimum guiding), etc. Without these abilities, related to the critical sense, that could make of the conflict a positive experience, it can be changedded into fight, disruption leaving of being possibility of meeting and growth. Another way of if dealing with the conflict is to associate it the irrationality. Thus, to oppose to this association being instituted a rationality image and not it rationality in fact, understood here as constant reflection the individuals adopts an atomized behavior, in the family, the work and also in the pertaining to school environment.


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